When former Texas A&M wide receiver Travis Labhart came to David Gardner’s Jewelers in search of the perfect engagement ring for his girlfriend, our store was abuzz with excitement. The Johnny Football favorite got his start on the A&M Women’s Basketball team practice squad. An open try-out for the A&M football team led him from the basketball courts to the football field. He started that first season on special teams and played two years during the most scrutinized period ever in Aggie football.
“I was very fortunate and had a great experience. It taught me about handling trials, perseverance and helped me prepare for other things down the road,” said Labhart.
Labhart met Carrie his senior year at A&M during senior night for the football team. Once he found out she was single, he and his brother hatched a plan to ensure she’d say yes to a second date. “Carrie had already graduated, so I invited her to the LSU game and another game after that, I knew she couldn’t say no to football tickets,” said Travis.
After a year of dating, Travis knew it was time to pop the question. Not your typical football girlfriend, Travis was drawn to her unique spirit. Her active lifestyle and love of all things vintage guided the direction of creating a custom designed engagement ring that fit her personal style.
“Travis brought us a photo of an engagement ring Carrie liked. We used that as our guide but put a custom design spin on it,” said David. “We ordered a custom cushion cut diamond which has a stronger look for the weight, so we could extend the design a bit. From the strong yellow tone to the bezel-set diamond set low across the finger – everything about the engagement ring is surprising.“
Avid snowboarders, Travis arranged a mountaintop proposal in Colorado while on a ski trip with their friends, making the engagement an instant engagement party and a memory to be revisited every year. The couple married in Canyon Lake, TX.
“She had told me before she wasn’t sure if she’d ever find a ring she really liked. Working with Randy and David was really helpful. I enjoyed getting to meet David and seeing how hands-on he was with the design. I didn’t know anything about rings or diamonds and they made it very comfortable,” said Labhart. “She loves her ring!”
David Gardner’s Jewelers – Custom-Designed Engagement Rings
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