We were so honored to be asked to be a part of the 13th annual Surviving & Thriving Luncheon. How could we say anything but a resounding YES when dear friends and breast cancer survivors Reba Ragsdale and Doris Light came to see us?!
It didn’t take long to determine DG’s latest double halo diamond pendant would be fun, but TWO personalized matching pendants – one for Joan Lunden and one for the raffle winner – would be even better!
The committee’s excitement was palpable and the audience at the luncheon, over 800 strong, responded. We were “Shocked and THRILLED,” as David said, to hear $29,000 was raised at Surviving & Thriving for Pink Alliance through the raffle!
Isn’t this community amazing?! Isn’t this organization a true celebration of overcoming obstacles?! We were so moved as survivors were celebrated for their fight against breast cancer. We could not be more honored to have been a small part in raising money for such a worthy cause.